As we are well aware of, the majority of people have little or no knowledge what-so-ever on historic articles of significant value or importance. This lack of knowledge will result in either selling your property for much less than what it is really worth or, in cases of inheritance, own something that you might have thought that it is of great importance and of significant value but in fact it could be worth much less than expected. This is why you should instruct a reliable, knowledgeable and a well trusted firm of auctioneers and fine arts appraisals to execute such needs. Either if you want to know what your inherited collection is worth for division purposes, if you want a signed valuation for insurance purposes or simply to know what your lifetime worth of collection is valued at today, Centurion will use their hard built knowledge to produce a detailed inventory of your property together with a realistic estimated price based on present international comparable articles sold in recent auctions. This will be professionally presented as a bound document with the firm's rubber stamp and signature of the entrusted valuer carrying out the job.
On site valuation, unless agreed otherwise, is done on a basic fee of 1% of the lowest estimation on each article included in the said valuation. However, if the client decides to consign any of the articles within the valuation, we will, by all means, refund the paid fee for those articles consigned.
Apart from the above, Centurion gives internet users a free online valuation. This could be carried out by filling in the form at the bottom of the page with as much detail and information as possible of the article you wish to evaluate together with the photos of the said article. You can select and send as much as 6 photos, one article at a time . This will be sent directly to one of our representatives for review. For a better assessment of your property please make sure that the following requested information is respected.
□ Details such as dimensions, weight and materials.
□ Any information about the history of the item including when, where and how it was acquired.
□ Electronic copies of any appraisals, literature related to the item, or certificates of authenticity, if available.
This information will be then carefully examined by our appraisal and a detailed description and an estimation price will be returned within 6/7 working days. Centurion's free online valuations are statements of opinion only and shall not be relied upon by you or any third party as a prediction or guarantee of the actual price of the property. Centurion makes no representations or warranties with respect to the property, its authenticity, attribution, condition or otherwise. Furthermore, Centurion's free online valuations are intended solely for the use of the owner of the property and only for the purpose of considering whether to consign the property to Centurion or not. It may not be used by the owner for any other purpose, or by any third party for any purpose whatsoever, nor may it be published. Please also take into account that estimates given by Centurion based on photography are simply a rough baseline estimate assessed on the information provided. A more close and precise estimate can be produced after further examination of the actual property at our offices in the following address.
No35, Sqaq No04
Triq il-Karmnu, Luqa
N.B. Fields marked with the symbol □ are compulsory.
□ Full Name and Surname
□ Identity Card
□ Land Line | Mobile number
□ Email Address
Medium | Materials
Artist | Maker
Signature | Marks
Additional Information